
Reddit Front Page

Thank you to my fellow Redditors for upvoting my photo,…

Spring Planting

I trust in nature for the stable laws of beauty and utility.Spring…

Beyond the Murmurs of Mankind

  © 2012 Loren Zemlicka Flickr | Twitter | Facebook ........................................................................... [dropcap2…

Up With The Light

© 2012 Loren Zemlicka Flickr | Twitter | Facebook ............................................................................ [dropcap2…

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[dropcap2 textColor="#ffffff"]M[/dropcap2]y photo, "Here, Where…

Barbaric Black and Burning Gold

[dropcap2 textColor="#ffffff"]D[/dropcap2]eep with divine tautology, The…

A Hole in the Sky

[dropcap2 textColor="#ffffff"]I[/dropcap2]'m looking through…

Here, Where the World is Quiet

[dropcap2 textColor="#ffffff"]H[/dropcap2]ere, where the world…

Hushed October Morning

[dropcap2 textColor="#ffffff"]O[/dropcap2] hushed October…

Sacred Charm

[dropcap2 textColor="#ffffff"]T[/dropcap2]he dear old farm…