Leafing Summer Behind
At first, I walked past this tree. I noticed it, thought it was of some interest, but didn’t really see much of a shot. I then came back, thinking that I should try to make something of it.
I started focusing on the stark, black branches against this foggy sky, but the more I stood there and looked, the more I noticed and started to appreciate the amazing carpet of color below the tree… greens, yellows, reds, purples. Just a really nice mix of plants caught in two different seasons. Autumn for some, still summer for others.
Take time to notice the things around you – another viewfinder lesson.
Canon EOS 5D
Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L IS USM
Great photo today. Just wanted to drop a line and say how much I’m enjoying the blog. I’m sorry I’m not more involved, I’m a man of few (written) words.